What is the Commission’s mission/responsibilities?

According to the Law the objectives of the Commission are to maintain and administer systems for the licensing, supervision and control of a casino, free of criminal influence or exploitation; gaming in the casino is conducted honestly, any erosion of society as a result of gaming is minimised;   any negative affects of gambling are restricted and controlled and that the operator complies with its obligations deriving from the conditions of the casino resort licence.

What sort of gaming activities does the Commission license and regulate?

Under our Law and Regulations, the Commission must approve or exempt from approval all gaming equipment to be used in the Cyprus temporary Casino and Cyprus Integrated Casino Resort (ICR). Gaming equipment covers: gaming machines, electronic monitoring systems, gaming tables, electronic gaming tables, chips, dice cards and parts of, or accessories of any such machine, equipment or systems for use in the ICR. In respect of the casino games the following are included: casino games, table games, electronic table games and games played on gaming machines proposed to be operated in the ICR.

How do I apply for a licence to work at the casino?

To apply for a licence to work at the Casino an applicant must contact the Casino directly in the first instance.

The Commission will only review the submission of a licence application form if the applicant already has an offer of employment by the Casino and the licence application form is then made directly via the Casino (not the applicant) to the Commission.

A copy of the Casino Employee and Casino Key Employee Licence application form and its associated Guidance Notes can be found on this website under ‘How to apply for a licence’ and ‘Licensing’.

Who needs a licence from the Commission?

A licence is required in order for an individual to be employed by the Casino and/or an entity that wants to conduct business with the Casino.

You can apply for the following licences:

  • Casino Employee Licence
  • Casino Key Employee Licence
  • Supplier Licence
  • Gaming Equipment Licence
  • Junket Representative Licence
  • Junket Operator Licence
  • Premises Licence

For which casino positions would I need a Casino Employee Licence

You must apply for a Casino Employee Licence if you are employed or due to be employed in the following role:

Dealer or Croupier
Machine Mechanic
Security Employee
Accounting Staff
Collections Personnel
Surveillance Personnel

Personnel that its duties require or authorise access to restricted casino areas

All application forms can be found under Licensees.

Are casino employee licences and casino key employee licences transferable?

Licences issued by the Commission are not transferable (i.e. from person to person/country to country/operator to operator) and remain in force until cancelled or revoked by the Commission or the holder of the licence surrenders it to the Commission.

Why am I being asked for personal information on the application?

Applicants must satisfy the Commission of a genuine need to hold a licence and for the Commission to grant a licence it must be satisfied that applicants are suitable financially, competent to carry out their duties, are of solid integrity and free of any criminal activity.

Why do I provide my personal financial information?

The past and present financial circumstances of the applicant will be investigated to ensure that the licensing objectives are not put at risk.

What kind of documentation do I have to provide in order to apply for a Casino Employee licence or Casino Key Employee licence?

In order to proceed with an application we require:

1) Identification documents (Valid passport, National identification card, Driving licence)
2) Any document that states your name and confirms your current residential address (Utility bill, rental agreement, social insurance statement, bank statement, etc.)
3) Any document that proves your financial creditworthiness (Credit report). This is a requirement only for Casino Key employee licence. *
4) Any credentials that can prove your working experience and academic background (CV)
5) Criminal record certificate from Cyprus or overseas to prove that you have not been convicted for indictable offence(s), felony, etc.
6) Any licence from any other gaming authorities (if applicable).

How is an application processed?

The Commission will take a number of factors into consideration whilst processing an application.

The applicant will be assessed against five areas:

  1. the identity (which will be established by using official documentation)
  2. finances (the past and present financial circumstances)
  3. integrity (any past involvement in civil or regulatory investigations or proceedings, licences held in another jurisdiction(s)
  4. competence (experience, expertise, qualifications, references, any training)
  5. criminality (prior offences; each case will be considered on its own merits)

How long does it take for a licence to be granted once the application is submitted to the National Gaming and Casino Supervision Commission?

The Commission will seek to determine licence applications within a reasonable period and this will depend on applicants providing all the information required in determining their suitability.

Applicants must be accurate in completing an application and submitting it.

Are there any age restrictions in order to apply for a licence?

To apply for a licence an applicant must be at least 21 years of age.

Can someone who has a licence from another jurisdiction have more than one licence?

An individual can be a holder of more than one licence. However, licences from other jurisdictions are not valid in Cyprus but they could remain active/in force until their expiration depending on the regulations of jurisdiction.

If a licence from any other jurisdiction that has been surrendered under that jurisdiction’s  regulations, this has no effect on the licence granted by the Cyprus Commission.

What is the cost of submitting an application?

The current application fees, approved by the Commission as the initial fees for the applications, are as follows:

– Operator Licence = €10,000
– Junket Operator Licence = €2,000*
– Junket Representative Licence = €1,000*
– Gaming Equipment Licence = €500
– Gaming Supplier Licence = €500*
– Casino Key Employee = €500*
– Casino Employee Licence = €200

The current investigation fees are as follows:

– Casino Employee Licence = €000
– All Casino Key Employee licenced in a jurisdiction that applies the Commission standards = €000
– Non-licenced Key Employee – Manager/Supervisor = €500
– Non-licenced Key Employee – senior management/ nominated anti-money laundering officer = €1,000
– Non – approved – Major investors or owners with 10% or more shareholding in the ICR operator or its partners = €2,000
– Junket Operators = €2,000 (plus €500 for each individual who holds a key position or holds 10% or more equity in junket operator.
– Junket representatives = €500
– Gaming Equipment Approval = €000
– Non – licenced – Gaming Supplier Licence = €2,000 (plus €500 each non – licenced individual who is required to complete Annex B of the Gaming Supplier application form)

Note*-  Investigation fee is an amount that is required when concerns have been raised regarding the suitability of the particular applicant. An hourly rate is charged by the Commission when conducting an investigation, that reflects the hours spent on the investigation. An investigation fee is required when it is applicable regarding the relevant licence.

Under which circumstances could I lose my licence?

The Commission has the right to revoke a licence under the following circumstances, although other circumstances may prevail:

  1. If the contracts of employment, supply, or service agreement are terminated by the operator.
  2. If a licensee neglects to disclose information relevant to the position for which they applied.
  3. The licensee is not deemed competent to carry out their duties for which the licence was granted.
  4. If, following an investigation, the licensee has been found accountable for regulatory non-compliance and non-protection of the licensing objectives.

As a player how do I know that I will be treated fairly at an interactive gaming area at the Casino?

The layout of the casino gaming area, the gaming tables, casino card games and rules for such games, slot gaming machines and their associated games, playing cards, dice, chips and any device associated with the gaming area of the casino, are approved by the Commission to ensure that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way.

Are player winnings taxable?

Player winnings are not taxable.

What is the age limit requirement for entry in the gaming area of the casino?

Any patrons entering the gaming floor of the casino must be at least 21 years of age.

What premises are licensed and regulated by the Gaming Commission?

The Commission (within the Republic) will issue a casino resort licence to the casino resort operator and in addition the casino resort operator shall be permitted to develop and operate up to four (4) satellite casino premises.

How do I submit a question and/or complaint to the Commission?

For any enquiries (questions) or complaints you can visit the website of the Commission and submit your request via the ‘Contact’ link.

If a dispute arises between the casino operator and a casino customer, then the customer can request the Commission to conduct an investigation into the dispute within seven days from the date he is informed of his right, making the request to the Commission in whatever format the Commission may require.

How do I submit a question and/or complaint to the Casino operator?

If a complaint/dispute arises between the casino operator and a casino customer, then the customer can request the Commission to conduct an investigation into the dispute within seven days from the date he is informed of his right, making the request to the Commission in such form as the Commission may require.

Does the Commission currently have procedures in place to combat possible money laundering and prevent terrorist financing?

Under the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering Activities Law, the Commission has approved an anti-money laundering programme established by the operator.

As the Supervisory Authority, under the provision of the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering Activities Law, the Commission monitors the compliance of the operator with this Regulation and will take all necessary measures to ensure the operator’s compliance.

What can I do if I realise I or someone else I know has a gambling problem?

A responsible gaming programme has been set by the Casino operator and approved by the Commission to ensure that we offer the highest standards in order to secure a fair and safe gaming environment.

However, if you believe that a person with a gambling addiction is in need of help you can find a helpline that provides support.

Also, exclusion orders can be issued by the casino, family, police or by the individual himself to prevent re-entry to the casino or limit the addiction to positive levels.

The responsible gaming programme has been put in place to ensure that:

– Internal regulatory monitoring means that vulnerable groups or individuals can be traced, identified and  pre-emptive measures taken against them.
– A system is in place to enable a vulnerable consumer to set limits on money spent on gaming or time spent on machines.
– A system is in place to determine and impose a limit on the maximum number of visits which a vulnerable consumer can make to the casino premises each month.
– The ICR employs personnel who are educated and experienced in the principles of responsible gaming so they can identify and recognise people who show problematic behaviour, promptly point individuals in the right direction and take the appropriate steps to deter and help vulnerable individuals.
–  A self-exclusion programme can be mandated from the Casino operator by a vulnerable individual or his family, police, court order or by the Casino operator itself to permanently ban or temporarily ban the individual from entering the casino or ban that individual from certain games.

The principles governing Social Responsibility schedule are up-to-date and provide that any failure of the Casino Operator to conform with the Commission’s Code of Conduct leads to disciplinary actions against the operator.

What is self-exclusion?

According to the Social Responsibility schedule, the operator has already put a procedure in place allowing an individual to proceed with an application to the operator for self-exclusion.

This programme shall determine the manner in which the schedule is notified to the consumer of the ICR, the procedure of the application, the duration period, the conditions under this self-exclusion programme and the possibility every person has to proceed with an application at a later date.

How long will it take to receive a supplier's licence?

Generally, it is important to submit a licence application several weeks before formal approval is needed to ensure that the Commission has enough to time to review all the materials and make any supplemental information requests needed to complete its investigation.

There are many factors that need to be considered when calculating how long the Commission will take to review and approve a supplier’s licence application. These include the size of the applicant; the number of key person qualifiers; the type of licence/approval sought; the type of gaming regulatory agency issuing the approval, the type of product or service provided, and the expected business volume to be conducted with the casino operator, among other items.

How confidential is the information submitted to the Commission?

Any data requested by the Commission and disclosed to the Commission is required in order for the Commission to carry out its functions and meet its legal obligations. It is deemed reasonable for the Commission, in order to fulfil the licensing procedure and grant a licence either to an individual or to an entity, to ask for personal information and to share data with third parties so it can assess the suitability of each individual or entity wishing to co-operate with the ICR. Personal Data (Protection of the Individual) Law 138(1) 2001 was superseded by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) on 25 May 2018.

Do I have to renew my licence after a period of time and what is the associated fee?

The period for the licence granted is indefinite and a renewal is not required.

As a renewal is not necessary, there is no associated fee.

As a supplier, do I need a licence to be able to provide services to the ICR?

Yes, a Gaming Supplier licence is required for supplying gaming machines and associated games, and  gaming test services.

As an employee of a supplier, do I need a licence to be able to provide services to the ICR?

Yes, a licence is required to allow supplier technicians to get involved in the maintenance or remote access to the machines.

The supplier must hold a valid Gaming Supplier licence granted by the Commission to allow submission of an application for their employees.

What disciplinary actions does the Commission take against licensees that fail to comply with the laws and regulations?

If a licensee does not comply with the law and regulations governing casino gambling, the licensee may be subject to disciplinary actions including suspension, revocation of the licence, or a financial penalty.

It is noteworthy that the above actions are subject to the Commission’s discretion dependant on the facts of each case. The Commission shall take into consideration a cumulation of factors including integrity, competence and financial stability in order to ensure a fair judgement.

What should I do if any information I have provided has changed since the issue of the licence?

The licensee is responsible to provide any updates relating to information provided in the first place so the Commission can keep accurate records of the licensee.

If my licence is misplaced or destroyed, can I replace it?

The Commission will re-issue the licence at no cost to the licensee.

How do I make a complaint against the Commission?

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How do I make a complaint against the Casino Operator?

You are advised to follow the complaints process.

What action can I take if I believe that the Casino Operator or the Commission have not dealt with my complaint to my satisfaction?

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Which suppliers and gaming machine test providers are qualified for a waiver?

The Commission may, in specific circumstances, waive some of the information and documentation required in support of an application. All of the following criteria must be met before the Commission will consider applying a waiver and accepting a simplified application. However, please note that even if all criteria are met the Commission may require a full application to be made (including supporting documents) should it have any concerns. Should the Commission accept a simplified application it may call for further information at any time as it sees fit.

To be eligible for a waiver, the supplier or gaming machine test provider must be approved by or have complied with all the legal obligations and regulations of the European Free Trade Zone.

If a waiver is applied for the approval of the supplier or gaming machine test provider this does not lessen the effectiveness of the Commission’s policies and standards.

Do I need any approvals before offering a new game to casinos?

If you have invented a new game or a new variation on an existing casino game, the game will need to be approved by the Commission before being placed on the casino floor. In addition, if you retain the rights to the game or receive a portion of the revenue from the game’s operation on an ongoing basis, you will probably be required to obtain a supplier’s licence from the Commission.

Typically, a new game or a new variation on an existing game must be approved by a testing lab prior to being introduced on a casino floor. You will be required to submit game rules, samples of any unique hardware/software used for gameplay, mathematical analysis under a variety of play scenarios, legal/regulatory reviews under the jurisdiction’s game requirements, and any other materials related to the new gameplay. The testing lab will then analyse the game to confirm that the play meets all regulatory and legal requirements.

How do I become an approved supplier of Gaming Equipment Approval?

To be eligible for approval and inclusion on the Commission’s database, a manufacturer or vendor of any device, software, hardware or other technology must submit the device, software, hardware or other technology for scientific testing and technical evaluation by the certified independent testing laboratory under contract with the Commission and obtain certification from such independent testing laboratory that it complies with technical standards approved by the Commission.

However, in the first instance the vendor must be a holder of a Gaming Supplier licence issue by the Commission

Gaming Supplier Licence application form and Guidance Notes
Gaming Equipment Approval application and Guidance Notes


Are there any exchange controls in place that would prohibit the free flow of funds by non-residents?

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What is a junket?

A junket in the context of gambling, means an arrangement aimed at inducing an individual, selected on the basis of that individual’s financial means and inclination to gamble.

No junket can be organised, promoted or operated in the casino without a junket operator licence issued by the Commission.

What is a Junket Operator/Junket Representative?

This is an individual, or a group of people other than an employee of the casino resort, who hold(s) a junket operator licence for junket services and contracts with the casino resort operator to bring junket customers (a casino customer participating in a junket) to the casino resort from whom that person receives:

a) either commission based on the revenues of gaming in the casino received from that junket customer or junket customers; or
b) a share of the operator’s gross gaming revenue from the junket customers; or
c) such other form of payment or rebate, monetary or otherwise as may be designated by the casino

Do I need to have a licence to be a Junket Operator or a Junket Representative?

Yes, a licence is required to be issued by the Commission.

Which elements will the Commission take into consideration to assess Junket Operator and Junket Representative suitability for granting a licence?

Any application relating to Licence for Junket Operator and Junket Representative is conducted according to the Commission’s standards and Regulations.

The Commission will follow the appropriate suitability check in order to assess each licence on its own merits.

The procedure will cover the following:

Identity and Ownership – the identity of the applicant and any individual(s) relevant to the application will be established and verified using appropriate financial documentation. The ownership and structure of a corporate applicant will be investigated, and all major shareholders identified.

Integrity – The reputation, honesty and trustworthiness of the applicant, individual(s) relevant to the applicant and associates both individuals and corporate. The Commission will consider whether the information it collects raises any concerns about integrity. This includes an assessment of an applicant’s criminal record, any past involvement in civil or regulatory investigations or proceedings. We will also consider how the applicant has conducted their business with specific regard to the provision of gambling services in other jurisdictions. In addition, the Commission will also consider the evidence and findings of any complaints about the applicant and/or investigations by other regulators, and we will investigate any history of business failure.

Finances – The financial condition, stability and strength of the applicant as well as their ability to obtain financial resources and the integrity of any source of funds. The past and present financial circumstances of the applicant and any individual(s) relevant to the application will be investigated to ensure that sufficient resources are in place to carry out the licensed activities.

Competence – Whether the applicant has the level of experience in the management and operation of its business. This includes the applicant’s track record of compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements of any jurisdiction where it may hold a junket or gaming licence/permit or approval. The Commission may also take up references and may review the CVs of relevant persons to assess their work experience and the training they have received which demonstrates their competence to carry out the role required of them.

Criminality– Criminal record of the applicant and/or person(s) relevant to the application and any prior offences committed by the applicant and any person(s) relevant to the application will be taken into account when assessing an application. Any previous offences do not mean that the application will automatically be refused. Each case will be considered on its individual merits, and consideration will be given to the seriousness and relevance of an offence, the Commission’s assessment will focus on whether the conviction has a potential bearing on suitability to hold a licence and will have regard to safeguarding the licensing objectives and the public interest.